All About Precision Agriculture Antennas

Looking for means to improve crop yield by minimizing the application of fertilizer, herbicides and pesticides? Precision agriculture antenna solutions can make this possible. Keep reading to learn more about precision agriculture antennas.

precision agriculture antenna solutions

Higher Accuracy

The antennas are indispensable tools for precision farming. They receive the signal from the satellites to correct your working farm machine’s positioning on the field. They guide the machine for accurate planting, cultivating, fertilizing, spraying and harvesting.

Improved Reliability

Farm equipment with antennas mounted on them receive reliable solutions to increase efficiency, safety and productivity on your field. They can work in harsh environments such as uneven grounds, heat, rain, fog or dust to function to their full capacity.

Remain Up-to-date

Farmers need precision agriculture antenna solutions to remain constantly up-to-date with current reports from the fields. With the help of sensors, the antennas report on temperature and soil moisture and the data can be used to direct irrigation or harvest at the right time.

Autonomous Navigation

Precision agriculture antennas provide autonomous guidance to the agricultural machines employed in sowing, tilling, planting, weeding and harvesting. As a result, the production efficiency of these tools increases considerably.

Reduced Expenditures

The antennas can transmit data to help make a topographical map of your field to record the land pattern and help farm machines to level the ground for a balanced distribution of irrigation water. The map helps enable quick drainage of water in case of excessive rain. Working in tandem with other technologies, the antennas provide guidance to the farmers to minimize the use of fertilizer, pesticides, herbicides and seed. This helps increase crop yield while the input cost goes down.

Effect on Environment

As a result of less use of harmful chemicals, the soil health of the field improves. Instead of using these chemicals uniformly across the field, precision agriculture antenna solutions help identify the affected area to guide you for selective chemical use. It is good news for the fragile environment which has borne the brunt of the harmful chemicals in farmlands.Mobile Mark is an antenna company with over 35 years of experience in the wireless industry. Committed to Moving Wireless Forward®, Mobile Mark offers device, vehicle, and infrastructure antennas for 30 MHz – 6 GHz, including the 5G-ready sub-6GHz bands. Most of their antennas are designed and Made-in-the-USA with an additional factory in the UK. If you are looking for precision agriculture antenna solutions, contact Mobile Mark.

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