Why is the Citizen Broadband Radio Service the Next Big Thing in Wireless?

The Citizen Broadband Radio Service, popularly known as the CBRS, is a band of radio-frequency spectrum from 3.5GHz to 3.7GHz that the Federal Communications Commission has designated for sharing among three tiers of users – incumbent users, priority licensees and generally authorized. Enterprises can build their own private 4G/5G networks with the help of CBRS resulting in improved 4G/5G offerings from service providers. Let us take a closer look at CBRS and find out why it is growing in importance.

citizen broadband radio service

Significance of the Citizen Broadband Radio Service

  • One of the greatest benefits of using the CBRS is that it will allow wireless carriers to increase coverage and capacity and boost data rates 
  • Given that the 3.5Ghz band is available for commercial use, organizations other than just mobile operators will be able to use it for their needs and create new products for the new band. Additionally, each company will be able to create their own private network for outdoor and indoor use.
  • The Citizen Broadband Radio Service meets the requirements of industrial businesses like oil and gas by enhancing the safety of their employees. With the availability of a private LTE network, companies in such industries can increase the efficiency and control the bandwidth of biometric monitors used to track their employee’s vital signs and locations with the help of CBRS.
  • The CBRS improves cell signal in areas where they are poor. Instead of Wi-Fi, companies in such localities can opt for CBRS and create their own private LTE network.
  • The Citizen Broadband Radio Service prevents clogging up of data and reduces spectrum crunch by providing more frequencies to help improve traffic.

Mobile Mark is a leading supplier of antenna solutions to markets all over the globe. They offer antennas from 30 MHz to 6 GHz covering 4G LTE & 5G Sub-6 Cellular, CBRS & Private LTE, WiFi, ISM, LoRaWAN, RFID, WiFi, VHF, UHF, GPS & GNSS. Applications include Fleet Management, Smart Cities, Public Safety, Public Transit, Trains, Utilities, Mining, Military and Infrastructure. Mobile Mark offers a range of antenna solutions that help network designers configure unique Citizen Broadband Radio Service Private LTE networks. To download Mobile Mark’s product catalog and learn more about this world-class antenna company, visit https://www.mobilemark.com/.

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