Mobile Mark, Inc. Acquires Comtelco Industries and Luxul Wireless Antenna Lines

Mobile Mark Inc has announced their acquisition of Comtelco Industries and Luxul Wireless Antenna Lines. Comtelco is a manufacturer of a wide-range of Land Mobile Radio (LMR) antennas. Their antenna products are reliable and are proven to deliver efficient performance. The omnidirectional base station antennas, directional Yagi and Folded Dipole Antennas, and in-building Panel and … Continue reading Mobile Mark, Inc. Acquires Comtelco Industries and Luxul Wireless Antenna Lines

Qualities of a Good Antenna Supplier

Do you experience trouble in finding a good antenna supplier? The process of finding and selecting a suitable supplier may need extensive investigation. Doing an online research is a quick action to do and also offers you a lot of options. However, you might be overwhelmed that there are many suppliers of antennas around. Finding … Continue reading Qualities of a Good Antenna Supplier